Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 38 40 95.0

line true false branch
105 20 115 if ($type eq 'Document') { }
9 106 elsif ($type =~ /^head(\d+)$/u) { }
9 97 elsif ($type eq 'Para' and $_curpara and $_curpara->type eq 'item' and $_curpara->listtype eq 'text' and not length $_curpara->text) { }
27 70 elsif (my $class = $PARA_TYPES{$type}) { }
6 64 elsif ($type eq 'L') { }
23 41 elsif (my $tag = $FORMAT_TYPES{$type}) { }
1 40 elsif ($type eq 'over-block') { }
11 29 elsif ($type =~ /^over-(.*)/u) { }
9 20 elsif ($type eq 'item-text') { }
20 0 elsif ($type =~ /^item-(.*)/u) { }
129 3 3 if (defined $target and not $target =~ m[^\w+://]u)
168 20 115 if ($type eq 'Document') { }
9 106 elsif ($type =~ /^head\d+$/u) { }
36 70 elsif ($PARA_TYPES{$type}) { }
29 41 elsif (my $tag = $FORMAT_TYPES{$type}) { }
1 40 elsif ($type eq 'over-block') { }
11 29 elsif ($type =~ /^over-(.*)/u) { }
29 0 elsif ($type =~ /^item-.*/u) { }
175 3 33 if $type eq "Verbatim"
198 9 91 if ($_curpara->type eq 'item' and $_curpara->listtype eq 'text' and not length $_curpara->term) { }