Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 21 55 38.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
74 0 0 0 $argpos == 0 and not exists $seen_opts->{'-x'}
0 0 0 $argpos == 0 and not exists $seen_opts->{'-x'} and not exists $seen_opts->{'--execute'}
0 0 0 $argpos == 0 and not exists $seen_opts->{'-x'} and not exists $seen_opts->{'--execute'} and not exists $seen_opts->{'-e'}
0 0 0 $argpos == 0 and not exists $seen_opts->{'-x'} and not exists $seen_opts->{'--execute'} and not exists $seen_opts->{'-e'} and not exists $seen_opts->{'--eval'}
172 0 0 0 @{$self->{'codes'};} and not ref $self->{'codes'}[0]
373 1 1 1 -e $path and not $self->{'overwrite'}
435 0 5 102 defined $res and length $res
5 46 56 defined $res and length $res and $_ eq $orig_
454 107 0 0 not $self->{'process_symlink'} and -l $item->{'real_name'}
541 0 89 0 defined $anew and exists $self->{'_exists'}{$anew}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
554 0 5 $item->{'intermediates'} // []
610 0 0 $self->{'items'} // []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
38 0 0 0 $homedir //= $ENV{'HOME'}
152 0 0 0 $self->{'mode'} //= $default_mode
288 2 20 0 $self->{'scriptlets'} //= $self->find_scriptlets
522 83 0 9 not defined $self->{'mode'} or $self->{'mode'} =~ /^(rename|r)$/
541 14 0 89 -e $new or defined $anew and exists $self->{'_exists'}{$anew}
551 83 0 9 $action eq "rename" or $action eq "move"
623 0 6 30 $self->{'compiled'} or ref $code eq "CODE"