Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 90 200 45.0

line true false branch
30 39 0 if ($ENV{'TESTING_HOME'}) { }
40 0 0 unless $homedir
72 0 0 if ($type eq 'arg') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'optval') { }
74 0 0 if ($argpos == 0 and not exists $seen_opts->{'-x'} and not exists $seen_opts->{'--execute'} and not exists $seen_opts->{'-e'} and not exists $seen_opts->{'--eval'}) { }
84 0 0 ref $args{'opt'} eq 'ARRAY' ? :
86 0 0 if (grep {$_ =~ /\A(-x|--execute|-D|--delete|-s|--show|-w|--write)\z/;} @$opts)
90 0 0 unless $_ eq "-M"
0 0 if (grep {$_ eq "--mode" unless $_ eq "-M";} @$opts)
122 0 0 unless GetOptionsWithCompletion(sub { my(%args) = @_; my $word = $args{'word'}; my $type = $args{'type'}; my $seen_opts = $args{'seen_opts'}; if ($type eq "arg") { my $argpos = $args{'argpos'}; if ($argpos == 0 and not exists $seen_opts->{'-x'} and not exists $seen_opts->{'--execute'} and not exists $seen_opts->{'-e'} and not exists $seen_opts->{'--eval'}) { require Complete::App::perlmv; return Complete::App::perlmv::complete_perlmv_scriptlet("word", $word); } else { require Complete::File; return Complete::File::complete_file("word", $word); } ; } elsif ($type eq "optval") { my $opts = ref $args{'opt'} eq "ARRAY" ? $args{'opt'} : [$args{'opt'}]; my @comps; if (grep {$_ =~ /\A(-x|--execute|-D|--delete|-s|--show|-w|--write)\z/;} @$opts) { require Complete::App::perlmv; push @comps, Complete::App::perlmv::complete_perlmv_scriptlet("word", $word); } ; if (grep {$_ eq "--mode" unless $_ eq "-M";} @$opts) { require Complete::Util; push @comps, Complete::Util::complete_array_elem("word", $word, "array", ["copy", "symlink", "link", "move", "rename"]); } ; require Complete::Util; return Complete::Util::combine_answers(@comps); } ; undef; } , "c|check", \$self->{'check'}, "D|delete=s", \$self->{'delete'}, "d|dry-run", \$self->{'dry_run'}, "e|eval=s", $self->{'codes'}, "h|help", sub { $self->print_help; } , "l|list", \$self->{'list'}, "M|mode=s", \$self->{'mode'}, "o|overwrite", \$self->{'overwrite'}, "p|parents", \$self->{'parents'}, "R|recursive", \$self->{'recursive'}, "r|reverse", sub { $self->{'sort_mode'} = -1; } , "s|show=s", \$self->{'show'}, "T|no-sort", sub { $self->{'sort_mode'} = 0; } , "v|verbose", \$self->{'verbose'}, "w|write=s", \$self->{'write'}, "f|files", sub { $self->{'process_dir'} = 0; } , "S|no-symlinks", sub { $self->{'process_symlink'} = 0; } , "V|version", sub { $self->print_version; } , "x|execute=s", sub { push @{$$self{"codes"};}, \$_[1]; } , "a|arg=s%", $self->{'args'}, "<>", sub { $self->parse_extra_opts(@_); } )
129 0 0 if ($^O =~ /win32/i) { }
130 0 0 if ($arg =~ /[*?{}\[\]]/) { }
143 0 0 $0 =~ /perlmv/ ? :
0 0 $0 =~ /perlln/ ? :
0 0 $0 =~ /perlln_s/ ? :
0 0 $0 =~ /perlcp/ ? :
150 0 0 if $self->{'dry_run'}
153 0 0 if ($self->{'list'})
156 0 0 $self->{'verbose'} ? :
164 0 0 if ($self->{'show'})
169 0 0 if ($self->{'write'})
171 0 0 unless @{$self->{'codes'};} and not ref $self->{'codes'}[0]
176 0 0 if ($self->{'delete'})
181 0 0 unless (@{$self->{'codes'};})
183 0 0 unless $self->{'items'}
188 0 0 if ref $_ eq "SCALAR"
192 0 0 unless $self->{'items'}
272 1 21 unless $self->{'scriptlets'}{$name}
273 6 15 if (defined(my $mod = $self->{'scriptlets'}{$name}{'module'})) { }
277 0 6 unless ${"${mod}::SCRIPTLET";}
313 20 0 if (%App::perlmv::scriptlets::std::scriptlets)
320 0 20 if (%App::perlmv::scriptlets::scriptlets)
326 0 20 if (-d "/usr/share/perlmv/scriptlets")
332 0 0 if $code
337 2 18 if (-d "$self->{'homedir'}/.perlmv/scriptlets")
344 1 0 if $code
359 0 3 unless $self->valid_scriptlet_name($name)
361 0 3 unless $code
363 1 2 unless (-d $path)
364 0 1 unless mkdir $path
367 1 2 unless (-d $path)
368 0 1 unless mkdir $path
371 1 2 if (-e $path and not $self->{'overwrite'}) { }
376 0 2 unless close $fh
396 0 31 if $@
408 0 0 if (ref $code eq 'CODE') { }
412 0 0 if $@
427 18 89 if (ref $code eq 'CODE') { }
431 0 89 if $@
433 56 51 if (defined $res and length $res and $_ eq $orig_)
439 31 1 $self->{'sort_mode'} == 1 ? :
1 32 $self->{'sort_mode'} == -1 ? :
449 0 107 if ($item->{'cwd'})
450 0 0 unless chdir $item->{'cwd'}
452 0 107 if not $self->{'process_symlink'} and -l $item->{'real_name'}
453 0 107 if (-d $item->{'real_name'})
454 0 0 unless $self->{'process_dir'}
455 0 0 if ($self->{'recursive'})
457 0 0 if (chdir $item->{'real_name'}) { }
459 0 0 if $self->{'verbose'}
465 0 0 if $_ ne "."
473 0 0 unless chdir $cwd
488 449 0 ref $_ ? :
494 0 107 unless defined $aold
510 105 2 if -e $aold
511 6 101 if $aold eq $anew
514 9 92 unless ($code_is_final)
520 83 9 if (not defined $self->{'mode'} or $self->{'mode'} =~ /^(rename|r)$/) { }
0 9 elsif ($self->{'mode'} =~ /^(move|mv|m)$/) { }
3 6 elsif ($self->{'mode'} =~ /^(copy|cp|c)$/) { }
3 3 elsif ($self->{'mode'} =~ /^(symlink|sym|s)$/) { }
3 0 elsif ($self->{'mode'} =~ /^(hardlink|h|link|l)$/) { }
536 89 3 unless ($self->{'overwrite'})
539 14 89 if (-e $new or defined $anew and exists $self->{'_exists'}{$anew}) { }
549 83 9 if $action eq "rename" or $action eq "move"
550 3 89 if $self->{'dry_run'}
553 5 87 if $self->{'verbose'}
554 89 3 unless ($self->{'dry_run'})
557 1 88 if ($self->{'parents'})
559 1 0 unless (-e $dir)
563 0 0 $file eq '' ? :
566 0 1 if @$err
571 0 89 if ($action eq 'move') { }
80 9 elsif ($action eq 'rename') { }
3 6 elsif ($action eq 'copy') { }
3 3 elsif ($action eq 'symlink') { }
3 0 elsif ($action eq 'link') { }
573 0 0 unless $res
576 1 79 unless $res
579 0 3 unless $res
583 0 3 unless $res
586 0 3 unless $res
588 1 88 unless $res
596 0 0 unless $self->{'scriptlets'}{$name}
599 0 0 $self->{'scriptlets'}{$name}{'code'} =~ /\n\z/ ? :
605 33 0 if (@args) { }
613 0 33 if ($self->{'_compiled'})
621 30 6 unless $self->{'compiled'} or ref $code eq "CODE"
622 0 36 if $self->{'check'}
624 3 33 if $i