Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 32 50.0

line true false branch
16 0 0 unless GetOptions \%opt, ('delete|d=s@', 'append|a=s@', 'prepend|p=s@', 'unique|u', 'split|s', 'check|c', 'var|v=s', 'sep|e=s', 'help|h', 'man')
23 0 0 if $opt{'help'}
24 0 0 if $opt{'man'}
25 0 0 if $opt{'split'} and $opt{'check'}
28 0 0 if defined $path and $opt{'var'}
32 0 0 unless (defined $path)
33 0 0 if ($opt{'var'}) { }
35 0 0 unless (defined $path and length $path)
51 2 10 if ($$opt{'append'})
54 2 10 if ($$opt{'prepend'})
57 6 6 if ($$opt{'delete'})
62 1 11 if ($$opt{'unique'})
66 1 11 if ($$opt{'check'}) { }
3 8 elsif ($$opt{'split'}) { }
69 1 4 if $seen{$part}++
70 2 2 if -r $part