Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 45 54 83.3

line true false branch
36 1 4 if $db->is_prepared
40 4 0 unless $self->_is_dry_run
49 1 11 unless $self->{'schema'} and -d $self->{'schema'}
52 1 10 unless @schema_files
59 1 8 if ($last_migration and $last_migration->{'status'} ne 'success')
67 4 4 if $last_migration
73 0 8 unless $no and $name
77 0 8 if $last_migration and $no <= $last_migration->{'no'}
90 8 0 if (@migrations) { }
96 7 1 unless ($self->_is_dry_run)
97 0 7 unless $migration->{'sql'}
7 0 unless (eval { do { $dbh->do($_) foreach (@{[] unless $migration->{'sql'};}) } })
108 2 5 $e ? :
7 1 unless $self->_is_dry_run
113 2 6 if $e
130 1 3 if (not $db->is_prepared) { }
135 1 2 if (not defined $last_migration) { }
141 1 1 if (my $error = $last_migration->{'error'})
155 0 2 if (not $last_migration or $last_migration->{'status'} eq 'success') { }
161 1 1 unless $self->_is_dry_run
174 1 1 unless $self->_is_dry_run
184 1 13 unless $db->is_prepared
195 0 23 unless ($dbh)
207 24 9 unless $self->_is_verbose
209 4 5 if $self->_is_dry_run
215 28 5 unless $_[0]{'verbose'}
221 0 8 unless open my $fh, '<', $file