Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 4 76 5.2

line true false branch
35 0 0 unless (defined $opt->templates)
36 0 0 if (-d 'makedpkg') { }
43 0 0 unless (-d $opt->templates)
52 3 10 if (defined $file) { }
59 0 13 if ($config and keys %$config) { }
66 13 0 if (ref($config // '') ne 'HASH')
85 0 0 if $?
93 0 0 if (ref $h || '') ne 'HASH'
96 0 0 if (not ref $v and $v =~ /^`(.+)`$/) { }
106 0 0 unless opendir my $dh, $dir
110 0 0 -d "$dir/$_" ? :
121 0 0 $opt->verbose ? :
123 0 0 if ($opt->verbose)
127 0 0 if ($opt->init)
143 0 0 if $opt->verbose
144 0 0 if $opt->dry
159 0 0 unless -f $template
168 0 0 unless $$self{'config'}{'build'}{'before'}
169 0 0 if $opt->verbose
171 0 0 if $?
174 0 0 if (my $files = $$self{'config'}{'build'}{'files'})
177 0 0 unless $$files{'copy'}
178 0 0 if ($source =~ qr"^(.*)/\*$") { }
182 0 0 if $source =~ qr"^(.*)/[^/]+$"
185 0 0 if $?
190 0 0 if ($$files{'to'} and $$files{'from'})
192 0 0 if ($from =~ qr"^(.*)/[^/]+$")
199 0 0 if $target ne ''
204 0 0 unless (grep {$_ eq 'install';} @$template_files)
221 0 0 if $opt->verbose
227 0 0 if $opt->prepare
231 0 0 if ($opt->dry) { }
243 0 0 if $template_dir eq $dist_dir
244 0 0 unless $opt->dry
248 0 0 if (-e "$template_dir/$file" and not $opt->force) { }
252 0 0 unless ($opt->dry)
253 0 0 if ($file =~ m[/])
269 0 0 unless ($@)