Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 36 0.0

line true false branch
100 0 0 unless (-e -f $self->database->stringify)
104 0 0 unless my $dbh = 'DBI'->connect('dbi:SQLite:dbname=' . $self->database->stringify, '', '', {'RaiseError', 1})
120 0 0 unless (grep {$_ eq 'itan';} @list)
127 0 0 unless $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE itan (\n tindex INTEGER NOT NULL, \n itan VARCHAR NOT NULL, \n imported VARCHAR NOT NULL, \n used VARCHAR, \n valid VARCHAR, \n memo VARCHAR\n )")
138 0 0 unless $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE system (\n name VARCHAR NOT NULL, \n value VARCHAR NOT NULL\n )")
169 0 0 unless my $stored_password = $self->dbh->selectrow_array(q[SELECT value FROM system WHERE name = 'password'])
172 0 0 unless ($self->decrypt_string($stored_password) eq $password)
183 0 0 unless defined $date and $date =~ m[^ (?<year>\d{4}) / (?<month>\d{1,2}) / (?<day>\d{1,2}) \s (?<hour>\d{1,2}) : (?<minute>\d{1,2}) $]x
209 0 0 if length($string) % 16 == 0
245 0 0 if ($length == 16) { }
0 0 elsif ($length < 4) { }
0 0 elsif ($length > 16) { }
255 0 0 if length $password == 16
265 0 0 unless my $sth = $self->dbh->prepare("SELECT \n tindex,\n itan,\n imported,\n used,\n memo \n FROM itan \n WHERE tindex = ? \n AND valid = 1")
275 0 0 unless $sth->execute($index)
280 0 0 unless (defined $data)
294 0 0 unless my $sth = $self->dbh->prepare('UPDATE itan SET used = ?,memo = ?, valid = 0 WHERE tindex = ?')
298 0 0 unless $sth->execute($self->_date, $memo, $index)