Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 70 134 52.2

line true false branch
348 0 6 if (not $opts_ok or have("usage") or have("h") or have("man"))
356 0 3 unless $@
362 0 3 unless $opts_ok
364 3 0 if have("usage")
366 0 0 if have("h")
373 0 3 if have("man")
388 0 6 if @{$params{'from'};}
389 0 6 if @{$params{'from'};} > 1
393 0 6 if $v2 eq ""
394 0 6 if defined $v2 and !&looks_like_number($v2) || int $v2 < 0
436 0 9 unless my $fn = shift()
438 0 9 if $opts{'phase'}
461 0 9 $opts{'quiet'} ? :
478 0 9 $opts{'quiet'} ? :
485 0 9 if ($opts{'libs'})
500 0 9 if (ref $fn eq 'HASH') { }
505 0 0 defined $opts{'phase'} ? :
514 3 6 if (isMYH($fn) and not defined $opts{'phase'}) { }
523 0 6 isMYH($fn) ? :
556 0 1 unless my $new_phase = shift()
0 1 unless my $new_phase = shift()
557 0 1 if $App::hopen::BuildSystemGlobals::Phase eq $new_phase
0 1 if $App::hopen::BuildSystemGlobals::Phase eq $new_phase
0 0 if $App::hopen::BuildSystemGlobals::Phase eq $new_phase
0 1 if $App::hopen::BuildSystemGlobals::Phase eq $new_phase
1 0 if $App::hopen::BuildSystemGlobals::Phase eq $new_phase
0 0 if $App::hopen::BuildSystemGlobals::Phase eq $new_phase
0 1 if $App::hopen::BuildSystemGlobals::Phase eq $new_phase
558 1 0 unless defined phase_idx($new_phase)
0 1 unless defined phase_idx($new_phase)
559 6 3 unless ($setting_phase_allowed)
629 0 9 if $@
645 9 0 if $hrAddlData
679 0 6 if $opts{'phase'}
681 0 7 unless ref $lrHopenFiles eq "ARRAY"
692 0 1 $App::hopen::Build->empty ? :
701 3 4 if $App::hopen::Build->empty or $opts{'norun'}
737 3 3 if ($opts{'FRESH'})
741 0 7 if ($opts{'PRINT_VERSION'})
742 0 1 if ($VERSION =~ /^([^\.]+)\.(\d{3})(\d{3})/u) { }
747 0 1 if $App::hopen::VERBOSE >= 1
755 0 6 unless defined phase_idx($App::hopen::Phase)
760 6 0 $opts{'PROJ_DIR'} ? :
765 6 0 if ($opts{'DEST_DIR'}) { }
773 0 6 if $proj_dir eq $dest_dir
780 0 7 if (-e $proj_dir->file(""))
791 3 4 if ($myhopen and -e $myhopen)
797 0 4 if ($stat->mtime > $myhstat->mtime or $stat->ctime > $myhstat->ctime)
800 0 1 unless $App::hopen::QUIET
808 0 7 if ($opts{'EVAL'})
818 1 0 ref $_ eq 'HASH' ? :
822 0 6 unless (@$lrHopenFiles)
828 0 7 unless File::Path::Tiny::mk($dest_dir)
836 6 1 unless $App::hopen::QUIET
840 3 4 if ($myhopen and not $opts{'BUILD'})
847 4 0 unless $opts{'BUILD'} or $_did_set_phase or $App::hopen::QUIET
853 0 6 unless $gen_class
858 0 7 unless $gen = "$gen_class"->new("proj_dir", $proj_dir, "dest_dir", $dest_dir, "architecture", $opts{'ARCHITECTURE'})
868 0 7 unless $toolset_class
875 0 7 if ($opts{'BUILD'})
884 7 0 if (@$lrHopenFiles) { }
964 0 3 if ($opts{'FRESH'} and $opts{'BUILD'})
970 0 7 if $opts{'VERBOSE2'} > $opts{'VERBOSE'}
973 0 7 if $opts{'QUIET'}
979 0 7 if (not $App::hopen::QUIET and $opts{'VERBOSE'})
993 7 0 unless $App::hopen::VERBOSE >= 3
1003 0 6 if ($msg)