Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 32 0.0

line true false branch
32 0 0 unless defined $user
57 0 0 if $ret
63 0 0 if $ret
70 0 0 if $ret
79 0 0 unless @{$$ret{'repositories'};}
88 0 0 $public ? :
95 0 0 if (exists $args{'public'})
109 0 0 unless ($gh_id and $gh_token)
124 0 0 unless ($gh_id and $gh_token)
134 0 0 unless ($gh_id and $gh_token)
144 0 0 unless ($gh_id and $gh_token)
147 0 0 if ($number) { }
158 0 0 unless ($gh_id and $gh_token)
168 0 0 unless ($gh_id and $gh_token)
178 0 0 unless ($gh_id and $gh_token)
188 0 0 unless ($gh_id and $gh_token)