Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 76 0.0

line true false branch
27 0 0 unless open my $fh, '<', $file
30 0 0 unless length $_
31 0 0 if /^__(?:END|DATA)__$/u
32 0 0 if /^\s*#.*$/u
34 0 0 if (not $pod and /^=(\w+)/u) { }
0 0 elsif ($pod and /^=cut$/u) { }
40 0 0 if (not $here and my(@catch) = /(?:<<(['"])?(\w+)\1?){1,}/gu) { }
0 0 elsif ($here and /^$here$/u) { }
47 0 0 if (not $eval and /eval\s*(['"{])$/u) { }
0 0 elsif ($eval and /$eval(?:.*)?;$/u) { }
0 0 elsif ($eval and /(require|use)\s+($qr4name)/u) { }
48 0 0 $1 eq '{' ? :
56 0 0 if (/^\s*(?:if|unless)\s*\(.*\)\s*{$/u) { }
0 0 elsif ($if > 0 and /^\s*}$/u) { }
0 0 elsif ($if > 0 and /^\s*(require|use)\s+($qr4name)/u) { }
64 0 0 if $pod or $here or $eval or $if
72 0 0 unless defined $name
73 0 0 if exists $deps->{$name}
74 0 0 if &first(sub { $_ =~ /$name\.p[lm]$/u; } , @local)
75 0 0 if not defined $version or $Upgrade or $toCpanfile
97 0 0 if /^\s*(?:require|use)\s+5\.\d{3}_?\d{3};$/u
98 0 0 if (/use\s+(?:base|parent)\s+qw[\("']\s*((?:$qr4name\s*){1,})[\)"']/u) { }
0 0 elsif (/use\s+(?:base|parent|autouse)\s+(['"])?($qr4name)\1?/u) { }
0 0 elsif (/eval\s*(['"{])\s*(require|use)\s+($qr4name).*(?:\1|})/u) { }
0 0 elsif (/(?:if|unless)\s+\(.*\)\s*\{.*require\s+($qr4name).*\}/u or /require\s+($qr4name)\s+(?:if|unless)\s+\(?.*\)?/u) { }
0 0 elsif (/^\s*(?:require|use)\s+($qr4name)/u) { }
0 0 elsif (m[^\s*require\s*(["'])((?:\./)?(?:\w+/){0,}$qr4name\.pm)\1]u) { }
0 0 elsif (/^\s*(require|use)\s+(['"]?)(.*)\2/u) { }
115 0 0 -e "$myLib/$name" ? :
119 0 0 unless length $name
120 0 0 if exists $pairs->{$name}
121 0 0 if $name eq 'Plack::Builder'
122 0 0 if $Upgrade and 'Module::CoreList'->is_core($name)
123 0 0 if &first(sub { $name eq $_; } , @pragmas)
134 0 0 if $version
135 0 0 unless eval "use lib '${myLib}'; require $name"
143 0 0 unless 'Module::CoreList'->is_core($name)
148 0 0 if $str =~ /\.pm$/u