Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 36 77.7

line true false branch
24 0 5 exists $args{'digest_type'} && defined $args{'digest_type'} ? :
39 3 10 if ($magic =~ /^(?:\037\213|\037\235)/) { }
3 7 elsif ($magic =~ /^BZh\d/) { }
40 0 3 unless my $dest = &Compress::Zlib::memGunzip($buffer)
43 0 3 unless $fh = 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'->new(\$buffer)
56 5 10 if (defined $filter_cb and ref $filter_cb and 'CODE') { }
57 3 2 if (&$filter_cb($f))
71 3 16 unless defined $f
80 32 6 if (scalar @_ > 0)
89 9 7 $f->type == 0 || $f->type == 1 ? :
91 0 16 $f->type == 2 ? :
100 0 9 unless defined $data
107 0 10 unless open my $fh, '<:scalar', \$buffer
116 3 10 if (ref $file_or_fh_or_buffer eq 'GLOB') { }
7 3 elsif (-f $file_or_fh_or_buffer) { }
119 0 7 unless open $fh, '<', $file_or_fh_or_buffer
122 10 3 if (defined $fh) { }
135 0 13 unless (defined $data)