Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 48 0.0

line true false branch
60 0 0 utf8::is_utf8($_) ? :
65 0 0 unless $app->getopt
69 0 0 @ARGV ? :
80 0 0 unless open my $fh, $file
87 0 0 if (/^
98 0 0 $_ eq ' ' ? :
101 0 0 if $app->debug
103 0 0 if @lines != $column
104 0 0 if $column != 2
121 0 0 if (my $name = $app->subname)
130 0 0 if (my $name = $app->subname)
142 0 0 if ($app->reverse) { }
157 0 0 if $app->adjust
159 0 0 if not $app->identical and $from[$j] eq $to[$j]
179 0 0 if ($what eq 'text') { }
0 0 elsif ($what eq 'section') { }
215 0 0 unless @$o > 0 and @$o == @$n
227 0 0 unless $quotes->{$_}
236 0 0 if @$a < 1
237 0 0 if $max == 0
239 0 0 if substr($$a[$i - 1], -($max + 1)) eq substr($$b[$i - 1], -($max + 1))
241 0 0 if _adjust($a, $b, $i, $shift)
242 0 0 if _adjust($b, $a, $i, $shift)
249 0 0 if (substr($$a[$i - 1], -($len + 1), $len + 1) eq substr($$b[$i - 1], -1, 1) . substr($b->[$i], 0, $len))