Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 49 56 87.5

line true false branch
24 0 7 defined $rc ? :
46 1 34 unless ($rc)
51 0 34 if ($options{'version'})
56 0 34 if ($options{'help'})
60 0 34 if ($options{'man'})
73 1 33 if (exists $config->{'formats'})
77 1 33 unless (defined $options{'format'})
81 12 21 if (exists $named_formats{$options{'format'}})
85 1 32 if ($options{'skip-unparsable'})
91 23 10 if (defined $options{'start'})
93 2 21 unless defined $start
96 20 11 if (defined $options{'end'})
98 1 19 unless defined $end
101 1 29 if (defined $options{'last-minutes'})
105 5 25 if ($end < $start)
109 1 29 if (defined $options{'debug'} and $options{'debug'} eq 'time')
114 2 27 unless (@ARGV)
120 2 27 if ($options{'byte-offsets'})
121 2 0 if (@ARGV == 1 and -f $ARGV[0])
130 1 1 unless (defined $byte_end)
145 1 26 if ($options{'interleave'})
150 1 25 if ($options{'sort-files'})
155 28 0 if ($iter)
162 3 26 if $@
168 32 1 if (not $configfile and $ENV{'HOME'})
171 33 1 unless (defined $configfile and -e $configfile)
176 0 1 unless (defined $config)