Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 27 32 84.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
42 0 0 59 @_ and eval { do { $_[0]->isa('App::count') } }
64 9 30 2 not defined $map and grep {$$_[0] eq 'map';} @spec
65 30 7 2 defined $map and grep {not exists $$map{$_};} map({$$_[2];} grep({$$_[0] eq 'map';} @spec))
68 3 18 1 @{$opts{'g'};} == 1 and $opts{'g'}[0] eq '*'
74 15 18 4 defined $group and grep {$_ < 0;} @$group
82 23 6 4 exists $opts{'r'} and grep {$_ == 0 if length $_ != 0;} @{$opts{'r'};}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
63 9 0 $map = YAML::Any::LoadFile($opts{'M'}) or die q[Can't load map file]

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
106 7 0 1 not defined $data{$key}[$idx] or $data{$key}[$idx] < $$F[$spec[$idx][1]]
107 7 1 0 not defined $data{$key}[$idx] or $data{$key}[$idx] > $$F[$spec[$idx][1]]
111 24 46 8 $data{$key}[$idx] ||= &$encoder($$map{$spec[$idx][2]}{$$F[$spec[$idx][1]]})
123 86 4 159 $data{$key}[$idx] ||= $init{$spec[$idx][0]}()