Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 40 74 54.0

line true false branch
50 0 4 unless $^O =~ /linux/iu
51 4 0 unless 0 == system("which btrfs >/dev/null 2>&1")
52 0 0 unless `ssh -V 2>&1` =~ /^OpenSSH/u
53 0 0 unless 0 == system("which sudo >/dev/null 2>&1")
62 0 0 unless ($^O =~ /linux/iu)
66 0 0 unless (0 == system("which btrfs >/dev/null 2>&1"))
70 0 0 unless (`ssh -V 2>&1` =~ /^OpenSSH/u)
74 0 0 unless (0 == system("which sudo >/dev/null 2>&1"))
91 3 3353 if $lower eq "_"
94 4 3352 $upper eq '_' ? :
96 4 3352 unless ($lower_ok and $upper_ok)
100 1 3 if ($upper eq '_') { }
1 2 elsif ($lower == $upper) { }
149 0 0 have_sudo_access_to_btrfs() ? :
161 0 0 unless -d $dir
174 0 0 is_btrfs_dir($dir) ? :
188 0 0 unless is_btrfs_dir($dir)
204 0 0 is_btrfs_subvolume($dir) ? :
216 2 212 unless $yr >= 1
217 2 210 unless $mon >= 1 and $mon <= 12
218 2 208 unless $hr >= 0 and $hr <= 23
219 1 207 unless $min >= 0 and $min <= 59
223 200 7 if ($mon == 1 or $mon == 3 or $mon == 5 or $mon == 7 or $mon == 8 or $mon == 10 or $mon == 12) { }
3 4 elsif ($mon == 4 or $mon == 6 or $mon == 9 or $mon == 11) { }
224 2 198 unless $day >= 1 and $day <= 31
227 1 2 unless $day >= 1 and $day <= 30
232 0 4 if ($yr % 400 == 0) { }
0 4 elsif ($yr % 100 == 0) { }
2 2 elsif ($yr % 4 == 0) { }
237 2 2 $is_leap_yr ? :
239 2 2 unless $day >= 1 and $day <= $upper
252 2 37 unless (nums_denote_valid_date(@_))
279 1 1 unless (0 == $status)
294 0 0 unless $path =~ m[^/]u
305 0 0 if -d $path
307 0 0 if make_path($path, {"uid", $uid, "group", $gid})
327 0 0 unless (i_am_root())