Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 12 28 42.8

line true false branch
61 2 5 if (my $value = delete $$name{$src->[0]}{$src->[1]}{$src->[2]})
73 1 4 if ($data->{'extra'})
88 6 3 if ($moreOptions)
94 6 0 if (my $details = $data->{'profile'}{$profile})
120 3 2 if ($host =~ /^$hostmatch$/)
126 2 2 if (my $details = $data->{'hosts'}{$host})
143 0 0 if ($class->require)
156 0 4 unless ($name and $option and $value)
175 0 0 unless &GetOptions($options, 'sethostopt', 'setprofileopt', 'showconfig', 'version')
184 0 0 if ($options->{'sethostopt'})
188 0 0 if ($options->{'setprofileopt'})
192 0 0 if ($options->{'showconfig'})
196 0 0 if ($options->{'version'})
201 0 0 if (my($host) = @ARGV)