Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 26 0.0

line true false branch
48 0 0 unless (defined $json_file1 and -r $json_file1)
51 0 0 unless (defined $json_file2 and -r $json_file2)
71 0 0 unless (defined $catalog_id and $catalog_id =~ /^\d+$/ms)
74 0 0 unless (defined $output_file)
90 0 0 if (-r $json_file_or_catalog_id) { }
0 0 elsif ($json_file_or_catalog_id =~ /^\d+$/ms) { }
113 0 0 unless (defined $json)
123 0 0 unless (defined $print_options)
143 0 0 if (not &getopts("h", $self->{'_opts'}) or $self->{'_opts'}{'h'} or @ARGV < 1)
166 0 0 if ($command eq 'diff') { }
0 0 elsif ($command eq 'download') { }
0 0 elsif ($command eq 'print') { }
176 0 0 if ($return == 1)