Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 1 60 1.6

line true false branch
165 0 0 -f $config_file ? :
180 0 0 unless @ARGV
196 0 0 unless -d $dir
197 0 0 unless (-f $config_file)
216 0 0 if (App::TimelogTxt::Utils::is_stop_cmd($task) or App::TimelogTxt::Utils::has_project($task)) { }
241 0 0 if 0 == index($_, $stamp)
253 0 0 if @projs
318 0 0 unless -f $app->_stackfile
321 0 0 unless $event
329 0 0 unless -f $app->_stackfile
338 0 0 unless -f $app->_stackfile
350 0 0 if ($event->is_stop)
384 0 0 unless eval { do { $event = 'App::TimelogTxt::Event'->new_from_line($line) } }
387 0 0 if ($prev_stamp ne $event->stamp)
391 0 0 if ($summary and not $summary->is_complete)
406 0 0 $event->is_stop ? :
411 0 0 if @summaries and $summaries[0]->date_stamp eq $pstamp
413 0 0 unless $summary
415 0 0 if ($summary->is_complete) { }
422 0 0 if (App::TimelogTxt::Utils::is_today($datestamp)) { }
433 0 0 if $summary->is_empty
442 0 0 unless @{$filters;}
459 0 0 unless defined $stamp
461 0 0 $eday ? :
462 0 0 unless (defined $estamp)
465 0 0 if $eday
480 1 0 if defined $ENV{'HOME'}
481 0 0 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32')
483 0 0 if defined $ENV{'HOMEPATH'}
484 0 0 if defined $ENV{'USERPROFILE'}