Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 28 100.0

line true false branch
44 2 19 if $#_ != 2
50 1 18 unless -f $self->{'timelog'} and -r $self->{'timelog'}
52 2 15 unless ref $self->{'printer'} and UNIVERSAL::can($self->{'printer'}, 'isa') and $self->{'printer'}->isa('App::TimeClock::Daily::PrinterInterface')
76 1 7 unless $_[0]{'_report_time'}
114 1 40 if eof $file
120 1 39 unless $iline =~ /^i /
122 36 3 unless (eof $file)
124 1 35 unless $oline =~ /^[oO] /
172 35 3 defined $oline ? :
189 1 12 unless open my $file, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $self->{'timelog'}
203 11 27 if (not defined $current_date) { }
7 20 elsif ($current_date ne $idate) { }
227 3 35 if (defined $oproject and $oproject eq 'DANGLING')
234 11 1 if (defined $current_date)