Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 3 88 3.4

line true false branch
15 2 0 if ($App::Textcast::OSNAME ne 'MSWin32') { }
18 0 2 if $App::Textcast::EVAL_ERROR
21 0 2 if $App::Textcast::EVAL_ERROR
26 0 0 if $App::Textcast::EVAL_ERROR
30 0 0 if $App::Textcast::EVAL_ERROR
299 0 0 unless (defined $directory)
307 0 0 if (-e $directory) { }
318 0 0 if length $directory > $MAX_PATH_LENGTH
320 0 0 if ($directory =~ m[([[:alnum:]/_-]+)]msx) { }
331 0 0 unless mkdir $directory
390 0 0 unless my $input_directory = $arguments{'TEXTCAST_DIRECTORY'}
408 0 0 if $$screenshot_data{'terminal_rows'} > $max_rows
409 0 0 if $$screenshot_data{'terminal_columns'} > $max_columns
416 0 0 if ($max_rows + $display_status > $terminal_rows or $max_columns > $terminal_columns) { }
508 0 0 if (-e $file) { }
512 0 0 if $$display_status{'DISPLAY'}
524 0 0 if $sleep_time > 0
585 0 0 if (@{$skipped_frames;})
698 0 0 if (-e "$input_directory/index") { }
714 0 0 unless ($entry =~ /$regex/)
722 0 0 if (@errors)
728 0 0 unless @screenshot_information = eval "@entries"
772 0 0 unless defined $pty->ttyname
905 0 0 if ($type eq 'OUTPUT')
941 0 0 unless exists $$private{$arg1}
1008 0 0 unless defined $pid
1010 0 0 if ($pid == 0)
1044 0 0 unless (POSIX::setsid())
1065 0 0 unless open STDIN, '<&' . $tty->fileno
1068 0 0 unless open STDOUT, '>&' . $tty->fileno
1071 0 0 unless open STDERR, '>&' . $tty->fileno
1081 0 0 unless exec $command
1126 0 0 if (vec $rout, $$vt_process{'PTY'}->fileno, 1)
1129 0 0 if defined $bytes_read and $bytes_read == 0
1131 0 0 if (defined $bytes_read and $bytes_read > 0)
1134 0 0 unless -t STDERR
1139 0 0 if $$vt_process{'DIED'} and $cmdbuf eq $EMPTY_STRING
1151 0 0 if (vec $rout, $$vt_process{'IOT'}->fileno, 1)
1155 0 0 if defined $bytes_read and $bytes_read == 0
1156 0 0 if defined $bytes_read and $bytes_read > 0
1171 0 0 if ($didout > 0 or $$vt_process{'PREVXY'} ne $EMPTY_STRING . $vt->x . ',' . $vt->y)
1173 0 0 $vt->x > $vt->cols ? :
1175 0 0 $vt->x > $vt->cols ? :
1180 0 0 if waitpid($$vt_process{'PID'}, 1) > 0