Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 31 40 77.5

line true false branch
56 0 5 if ($self->{'args'}->doDryRun) { }
61 0 0 if (@$fromVertices) { }
70 0 0 if (@$toVertices) { }
81 0 5 unless @$fromVertices
82 0 5 unless @$toVertices
105 2 24 if ($prunedTests and scalar @$prunedTests != scalar @$tests)
115 2 0 unless (exists $prunedGraph{$t})
152 26 55 unless keys %{$$self{'graph'};}
174 82 12 unless (@{$self->{'graph'}{$t};} or $self->{'inprogress'}{$t})
176 6 76 if ($self->{'args'}->getConfig->parallelizable($t)) { }
208 42 11 if (not @eligible and @nonParallelizable and not keys %{$$self{'inprogress'};})
254 54 85 if $entry =~ /^\.\.?$/
258 27 58 if $entry eq $config->getName
267 0 58 if -d $p
269 2 56 if $config->skip($p)
290 27 56 if -d $fn
298 2 54 unless $config->hasExecMapping($fn)
338 1 56 if $g{$node}{'mark'} == $tmpmarked
340 2 54 if $g{$node}{'mark'}
350 1 52 unless $g{$node}{'mark'} == $unmarked