Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 1 26 3.8

line true false branch
65 1 0 if (not &getopts("d:hiv:", $self->{'_opts'}) or @ARGV < 1 or $self->{'_opts'}{'h'})
80 0 0 if (defined $tmp_dir and not -d $tmp_dir)
83 0 0 unless (defined $tmp_dir and -d $tmp_dir)
94 0 0 unless (exists $REL{$magic})
106 0 0 if ($self->_exec($dwg_to_json_first, "dwg_to_json"))
113 0 0 if ($self->_exec($json_to_dwg_first, "json_to_dwg"))
120 0 0 if ($self->_exec($dwg_to_json_second, "dwg_to_json_second"))
138 0 0 if (defined $log_prefix)
139 0 0 if ($stdout)
144 0 0 if ($stderr)
150 0 0 unless ($self->{'_opts'}{'i'})
151 0 0 if (my(@num) = $stderr =~ /ERROR/gms)
158 0 0 if ($exit_code)