Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 22 63 34.9

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
84 1 0 1 -f $path and -x $path
86 0 0 1 -f $path and -x $path
691 2 1 1 $DBI::err && $DBI::err == 942
695 1 1 1 $DBI::err && $DBI::err == 904
699 0 0 0 $DBI::err && $DBI::err == 1

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
190 0 0 $offset // 0
396 0 0 $self->dbh->selectrow_hashref("\n SELECT id, name, project, note, timestamp, planner_name, planner_email, tags, script_hash\n FROM (\n SELECT id, name, project, note, timestamp, planner_name, planner_email, tags, script_hash, rownum AS rnum\n FROM (\n SELECT c.change_id AS id, c.change AS name, c.project, c.note,\n $tscol AS timestamp, c.planner_name, c.planner_email,\n $tagcol AS tags, c.script_hash\n FROM changes c\n LEFT JOIN tags t ON c.change_id = t.change_id\n WHERE c.project = ?\n AND c.committed_at $op (\n SELECT committed_at FROM changes WHERE change_id = ?\n )\n GROUP BY c.change_id, c.change, c.project, c.note, c.planned_at,\n c.planner_name, c.planner_email, c.committed_at, c.script_hash\n ORDER BY c.committed_at $dir\n )\n ) WHERE rnum = ?\n ", undef, $self->plan->project, $change_id, abs $offset) || (return undef)
492 0 0 delete $p{$spec->[0]} // (next)
540 0 0 $off //= 0
712 11 0 $user // ""
721 10 0 $host || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
34 0 3 12 not $self->target->name =~ /:/ or $self->target->uri->dbname
44 3 0 3 $ENV{'TWO_TASK'} || undef || $ENV{'ORACLE_SID'} || $self->username
190 0 0 0 $project || $self->plan->project
226 0 0 0 $project // $self->plan->project
280 0 0 0 $tags ||= $self->_log_tags_param($change)
281 0 0 0 $requires ||= $self->_log_requires_param($change)
282 0 0 0 $conflicts ||= $self->_log_conflicts_param($change)
537 0 0 0 $lim or $off
711 11 0 3 $user or $pass
11 0 3 $user or $pass or $host
0 0 3 $user or $pass or $host or $port
720 10 0 1 $host or $port