Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 8 54 14.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
101 1 0 1 $self->_no_table_error and not $self->initialized
156 1 1 1 $self->_no_table_error and not $self->initialized
318 1 0 1 not $lim and $lim = $self->_limit_default
351 0 0 0 defined $uri and not defined $reg_uri
0 0 0 not defined $uri and defined $reg_uri
0 0 0 defined $uri and defined $reg_uri

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
241 0 0 delete $p{$spec->[0]} // (next)
801 0 0 $self->dbh->selectrow_hashref(qq[\n SELECT c.change_id AS id, c.change AS name, c.project, c.note,\n $tscol AS "timestamp", c.planner_name, c.planner_email,\n $tagcol AS tags, c.script_hash\n FROM changes c\n LEFT JOIN tags t ON c.change_id = t.change_id\n WHERE c.change_id = ?\n GROUP BY c.change_id, c.change, c.project, c.note, c.planned_at,\n c.planner_name, c.planner_email, c.script_hash\n ], undef, $change_id) || (return undef)
854 0 0 $self->dbh->selectrow_hashref(qq[\n SELECT c.change_id AS id, c.change AS name, c.project, c.note,\n $tscol AS "timestamp", c.planner_name, c.planner_email,\n $tagcol AS tags, c.script_hash\n FROM changes c\n LEFT JOIN tags t ON c.change_id = t.change_id\n WHERE c.project = ?\n AND c.committed_at $op (\n SELECT committed_at FROM changes WHERE change_id = ?\n )\n GROUP BY c.change_id, c.change, c.project, c.note, c.planned_at,\n c.planner_name, c.planner_email, c.committed_at, c.script_hash\n ORDER BY c.committed_at $dir\n LIMIT 1 $offset_expr\n ], undef, $self->plan->project, $change_id) || (return undef)

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
64 0 0 0 shift() || $self->registry_release
92 0 0 0 $project || $self->plan->project
121 0 0 0 $project // $self->plan->project
187 0 0 0 $project // $self->plan->project
213 0 0 0 $project // $self->plan->project
261 0 0 0 exists $p{'limit'} or exists $p{'offset'}
593 0 0 0 $tags || $self->_log_tags_param($change)
0 0 0 $requires || $self->_log_requires_param($change)
0 0 0 $conflicts || $self->_log_conflicts_param($change)
901 1 0 0 $p{'project'} || $self->plan->project