Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 18 40 45.0

line true false branch
27 0 13 if not $self->target->name =~ /:/ or $self->target->uri->dbname
32 0 13 if $uri->password
38 7 1 unless $ENV{'VSQL_USER'}
141 0 0 if $self->initialized
169 0 0 if $maj < 7
241 0 0 $with_hash ? :
265 0 1 if $self->_no_table_error and not $self->initialized
266 0 1 if $self->_no_column_error
268 0 0 unless my $state = &try(sub {
286 0 0 if ($res->{'id'} eq $last_id) { }
343 0 0 $offset > 0 ? :
351 0 0 unless $offset
371 0 0 unless $offset
424 1 1 $self->sqitch->verbosity > 1 ? :
436 0 1 $offset ? :
446 0 1 if $self->_no_table_error and not $self->initialized
489 3 1 unless my $pass = $self->password
497 2 1 unless my $pass = $self->password
505 1 1 unless my $pass = $self->password
514 2 1 unless my $pass = $self->password