Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 24 70.8

line true false branch
51 4 10 if (1 == keys %options)
59 0 2 unless @_ > 0
61 1 1 unless (blessed $rule and $rule->isa('App::Rssfilter::Rule'))
72 0 8 if exists $args{'rules'} and not +($Method::Signatures::mutc{'cache'}{'ArrayRef'} ||= 'Method::Signatures'->_make_constraint('ArrayRef'))->check($args{'rules'})
2 6 exists $args{'rules'} ? :
0 8 exists $args{'storage'} ? :
0 8 if keys %args
0 8 if @_ > 4
77 3 5 if (defined(my $last_modified = $storage->last_modified))
90 5 3 if (200 == $latest->res->code)
95 0 6 if $self->logger->is_debug
101 8 0 if (defined $old)