Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 20 85.0

line true false branch
105 230 77 if exists $$self{'attrib'}{$nodename}
110 158 176 if ($$childnode{'type'} eq 'e' and $$childnode{'name'} eq $nodename)
114 12 65 if ($wanted eq '*') { }
53 12 elsif ($wanted =~ /^\d+$/) { }
117 52 1 if exists $childnodes[$wanted]
127 2 0 if (exists $$self{'content'} and ref $$self{'content'} eq 'ARRAY')
137 188 1 if (ref $c eq 'ARRAY' and $$c[0]{'type'} eq 't') { }
151 0 2 if $reversed
152 1 0 $op eq 'ne' ? :
1 1 $op eq 'eq' ? :