Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 14 34 41.1

line true false branch
18 0 1 if (not $config{'file'}) { }
33 0 1 unless @argv
49 0 1 unless GetOptionsFromArray \@argv, 'f|file=s', \$config{'file'}, 'a|age=i', \$config{'age'}, 'i|interval=i', \$config{'interval'}, 't|through', \$config{'through'}, 'nr|no-rotate', \$config{'no_rotate'}, 'h|help', sub { pod2usage(2); } , 'v|version', sub { print "roll v$VERSION\n"; exit 1; }
51 0 1 unless $config{'file'}
53 1 0 unless $config{'age'}
54 1 0 unless $config{'interval'}
64 1 0 unless -e $filename
66 0 0 unless my $fh = 'IO::File'->new($filename, '<')
72 0 0 if /\A\s*\Z/ms
73 0 0 if (/\A(\w+):\s*(.+)\Z/ms)
86 1 0 if (not $configdir and $ENV{'HOME'})
96 1 0 if (not is_interactive())
99 0 5 $config{'no_rotate'} ? :
100 5 0 if (not $config{'no_rotate'} and $config{'age'})
102 0 5 if (-e "$config{'file'}.$old_suffix")
107 0 5 unless my $fh = 'IO::File'->new($file, '>>')
111 0 5 if $config{'through'}