Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 34 36 94.4

line true false branch
30 1 15 unless &GetOptions('with-develop', \$with_develop, 'with-feature=s@', \@features)
35 2 13 if (@ARGV == 1) { }
1 12 elsif (@ARGV) { }
39 1 1 unless ($res->{'success'})
51 3 10 unless (eval { do { $prereqs = 'Module::CPANfile'->load($cpanfile)->prereqs_with(@features); 1 } })
62 8 42 if $phase eq 'develop' and not $with_develop
68 138 30 unless @modules
76 0 62 if (not defined $want) { }
58 4 elsif ($want eq '0') { }
83 58 4 $want eq 'any' ? :
87 31 31 if (defined $mod_path)
93 2 29 unless (defined $have and $have =~ / ^ v? [0-9_\.\-]+ $ /msx and eval { do { 'version'->parse($have) } })
102 9 22 if $type ne 'requires'
104 2 20 if ($have eq 'undef')
109 1 19 unless ($prereqs->requirements_for($phase, $type)->accepts_module($module, $have))
119 9 22 if $type ne 'requires'
137 10 0 if (@full_reports)
141 9 1 if (@dep_errors)