Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 39 62 62.9

line true false branch
33 0 1 if ($arg =~ /^--recmd$/) { }
0 1 elsif ($arg =~ /^--reverbose$/) { }
0 1 elsif ($arg =~ /^--reall$/) { }
47 0 5 unless (defined $dest)
77 0 5 if $mode eq 'symlink'
80 0 5 unless (defined $mode)
86 2 3 if ($mode eq 'touch' or $mode eq 'rm')
90 2 3 if ($dest =~ m[^(s|)/(.*)/(.*)/([ig]*)$]) { }
0 3 elsif ($dest =~ m[tr/(.*)/(.*)/$]) { }
2 1 elsif ($dest =~ m[^(m|)/(.*)/([i]*)$]) { }
1 0 elsif (-d $dest) { }
94 1 1 if $modifiers =~ /i/
96 0 2 if ($no_dest)
107 0 0 if ($no_dest)
120 1 0 if ($src =~ m[^(m|)/(.*)/([i]*)$]) { }
136 5 0 if (@files == 0)
137 0 5 unless opendir DIR, '.'
143 10 25 if /^\./ and not $do_hidden
144 11 14 unless eval "/$re/$modifiers_match" or defined $tr
150 0 14 if (defined $tr) { }
7 7 elsif (defined $sub) { }
2 5 elsif ($static_dest) { }
157 5 0 if ($no_dest) { }
164 9 5 unless $no_dest
165 0 14 if $verbose
171 0 14 if ($? == -1) { }
0 14 elsif ($? & 127) { }
1 13 elsif ($? >> 8) { }
185 0 8 unless $path and -d "$path/ppt"
193 14 0 unless $^O eq 'MSWin32'
195 0 0 if which($cmd->[0])