Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 23 38 60.5

line true false branch
15 9 6 if ($value)
25 1 13 ref $$row{'stat_key'} eq 'CODE' ? :
27 6 8 if ($$row{'diff'}) { }
2 6 elsif ($$row{'denominator_key'}) { }
0 6 elsif ($$row{'data'}) { }
35 0 6 if ($@)
39 2 0 if ($self->redis_config and $self->redis_config->{$$row{'denominator_key'}}) { }
62 12 3 if ($value / 1000 < 1)
63 3 9 if index($value, '.') > 0
82 3 6 if ($line_len > $self->component_width - 1) { }
0 6 elsif ($line_len < $self->component_width - 1) { }
115 0 24 wantarray ? :
122 12 4 $$self{'unit'} ? :
123 2 14 $$self{'round'} ? :
137 0 0 if $value and $instance_count
139 0 0 $$self{'unit'} ? :
140 0 0 $$self{'round'} ? :
153 0 0 if ($$self{'total'})
154 0 0 $$self{'unit'} ? :