Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 50 42.0

line true false branch
46 0 1 unless $key_groups->has_any_group
48 0 1 if ($bar_graph and $lines)
52 0 1 unless $png_file =~ /\.png$/
54 0 1 unless ($dump_to_screen)
55 0 0 if (open my $fh, '|-', $gnuplot_command) { }
93 0 1 unless ($bar_graph or $lines)
94 0 0 if scalar @$specs > 2 and !scalar(@$using) > 0
97 1 0 unless ($title)
101 1 0 if (scalar @$using == 0)
102 1 0 if ($bar_graph or $lines) { }
0 0 elsif (scalar @$specs == 1) { }
0 0 elsif (scalar @$specs == 2) { }
131 1 8 if ($this->{'FIRST_RECORD'})
139 0 9 unless defined $value
144 9 0 if ($this->{'DUMP_TO_SCREEN'}) { }
165 0 1 if ($this->{'BAR_GRAPH'}) { }
1 0 elsif ($this->{'LINES'}) { }
186 1 0 if ($this->{'DUMP_TO_SCREEN'}) { }
193 0 1 unless ($use_spec =~ /title/)
196 0 0 if ($this->{'LABELS'}[$index])
210 0 1 if (@{$this->{'PLOTS'};})
216 1 0 if ($this->{'DUMP_TO_SCREEN'}) { }
225 0 1 if ($?)
237 1 0 if ($this->{'TEMPFH'})
241 1 0 if ($this->{'TEMPFILE'})