Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 1 42 2.3

line true false branch
69 0 0 if $RESNAME eq ''
72 0 0 if -e "$_/$RESNAME/user/$file"
78 0 0 if $RESNAME eq ''
81 0 0 if -e "$_/$RESNAME/res/$file"
84 0 0 if -e "$_/$RESNAME/$file"
90 0 0 if $RESNAME eq ''
92 0 0 if -d "$_/$RESNAME/res"
103 0 0 if defined $found and -e $found
105 0 0 if defined $found and -e $found
106 0 0 unless $PACKAGED
107 0 0 if $RESNAME eq ''
110 0 0 if -e "$_/$RESNAME/user/$file"
111 0 0 if -e "$_/$RESNAME/res/$file"
112 0 0 if -e "$_/$RESNAME/$file"
131 0 0 if ($_ eq ':name')
132 0 0 if @_ > 0
135 0 0 if ($_ eq ':rsc')
136 0 0 if @_ > 0
142 1 0 if ($rsc)
161 0 0 unless $Cava::Packager::PACKAGED
163 0 0 unless ($can)