Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 32 87.5

line true false branch
23 1 8 unless @arguments >= 2
27 1 7 if (@arguments >= 2 and $arguments[0] eq '--in-statement')
88 1 20 unless defined $self->source_tokens
93 2 18 unless $document
96 3 15 if (defined $self->replace_only_statement_which_has_token) { }
102 11 7 if $replaced
110 0 15 unless $tokens
124 878 13 unless @matched
137 53 883 if ($token->content eq $source) { }
5 878 elsif (@matched and $token->next_token and ref $token eq 'PPI::Token::Whitespace') { }
157 0 3 unless $statements
162 2 40 if ref $statement eq 'PPI::Statement::Sub'
163 0 40 if ref $statement eq 'PPI::Statement::Compound'
164 0 40 if $statement->schild(0)->content eq 'do'
169 6 195 if ($token->content eq $self->replace_only_statement_which_has_token)
174 34 6 unless $found