Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 156 0.0

line true false branch
35 0 0 if ($env->{'embed'} <= 1) { }
38 0 0 $env->{'embed'} ? :
0 0 unless 'PDF::API2::Annotation'->can($env->{'embed'} ? 'fileattachment' : 'file')
42 0 0 unless 'PDF::API2'->can('embeddedfile')
50 0 0 if (@{$env->{'targets'};}) { }
66 0 0 if (@_ == 2) { }
0 0 elsif (@_ == 3) { }
69 0 0 if $env->{'verbose'}
70 0 0 unless $pdf = 'PDF::API2'->open($pdfname)
79 0 0 if /^\.\w+$/
103 0 0 unless (-r $_)
112 0 0 unless ($p)
119 0 0 if ($action eq 'attached')
128 0 0 unless ($page)
131 0 0 if ($env->{'xpos'} >= 0) { }
136 0 0 unless $env->{'vertical'}
138 0 0 if ($env->{'ypos'} >= 0) { }
143 0 0 if $env->{'vertical'}
153 0 0 $embed ? :
159 0 0 if ($action eq 'embedded') { }
174 0 0 if ($env->{'border'})
180 0 0 if ($env->{'vertical'}) { }
187 0 0 unless $pdfname
190 0 0 if ($env->{'output'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($did) { }
191 0 0 if $env->{'verbose'}
193 0 0 if $env->{'verbose'}
196 0 0 if $env->{'verbose'}
198 0 0 if $env->{'verbose'}
201 0 0 if $env->{'verbose'}
213 0 0 unless ($csvname)
218 0 0 if $env->{'verbose'}
219 0 0 unless my $pdf = 'PDF::API2'->open($pdfname)
227 0 0 if $env->{'verbose'}
232 0 0 unless open my $fh, '<:encoding(utf8)', $csvname
241 0 0 unless defined $row->[$i]
242 0 0 if lc $row->[$i] eq 'title'
243 0 0 if lc $row->[$i] eq 'pages'
244 0 0 if lc $row->[$i] eq 'xpos'
245 0 0 if lc $row->[$i] eq 'ypos'
247 0 0 unless defined $i_title
249 0 0 unless defined $i_pages
252 0 0 if $env->{'verbose'}
256 0 0 if $pageno =~ /^(\d+)/
257 0 0 if $env->{'verbose'}
261 0 0 if $^O =~ /win/i
270 0 0 if $env->{'verbose'}
272 0 0 if $env->{'verbose'}
295 0 0 if (defined $appname) { }
337 0 0 if ($App::Packager::PACKAGED)
350 0 0 unless (&GetOptions($clo, 'output|pdf=s', 'embed', 'attach', sub { $clo->{'embed'} = 2; } , 'all', 'xpos=i', 'ypos=i', 'iconsz|iconsize|icon=i', 'icons=s%', 'padding=i', 'vertical', 'border', 'gfunder', 'targets|t=s@', 'ident', \$ident, 'help|?', \$help, 'manual', \$man, 'verbose|v', 'trace', 'debug', 'version', sub { app_ident(\*STDOUT); exit; } ))
381 0 0 if $ident or $help
382 0 0 if ($man or $help)
383 0 0 if $help
384 0 0 if $man
390 0 0 if (@{$options->{'targets'};}) { }
392 0 0 unless @ARGV
393 0 0 if $options->{'pdf'} and @ARGV > 1
396 0 0 if @ARGV < 1 or @ARGV > 2
404 0 0 $my_package ? :
720 0 0 if ref($self->{'Annots'}) =~ /Objind/
721 0 0 if ($self->{'Annots'}->is_obj($self->{' apipdf'})) { }
736 0 0 if ($self->{'Annots'}->is_obj($self->{' apipdf'}))
757 0 0 if exists $opts{'-icon'}
758 0 0 if defined $opts{'-rect'}
759 0 0 if defined $opts{'-border'}
762 0 0 if exists $opts{'-text'}
764 0 0 if (is_utf8($file))
793 0 0 if $icon and not ref $icon
808 0 0 if @r
809 0 0 if @b
812 0 0 if $icon
820 0 0 unless $self->{'Subtype'}->val eq 'FileAttachment'
822 0 0 if defined $opts{'-rect'}
823 0 0 unless scalar @r == 4
827 0 0 if ($icon eq 'None') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $icon) { }
942 0 0 if (&is_utf8($file))