Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 22 0.0

line true false branch
21 0 0 unless ($module and $comaint)
25 0 0 if ($module =~ /^[A-Z]+$/ and $comaint =~ /::/)
32 0 0 unless @packages
43 0 0 if (eval { do { require Config::Identity } }) { }
46 0 0 unless open my $in, '<', $file
49 0 0 if /^(\S+)\s+(.*)/
65 0 0 unless $self->mech->content =~ /Select a co-maintainer/
78 0 0 if ($try{$value})
84 0 0 if (keys %try)
101 0 0 if lc $value ne 'y'
105 0 0 if (my(@results) = $self->mech->content =~ m[

(Added .*? to co-maint.*?|\w+ was already a co-maint.*?: skipping)

]g) { }