Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 34 50 68.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
21 118 0 97 not exists $_[0]{$name} and $default
150 1 2 1 $scope and $self->scope
3 1 0 $scope and $self->scope and not $self->has_scope($scope)
175 2 5 1 ref $json and defined $$json{'error'}
252 0 1 0 $self->scope and not $self->has_scope($scope)
310 0 0 1 $uri and $uri->scheme
329 9 2 4 defined $response and not $self->app->global_options->quiet

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
17 4 48 $options{'coerce'} || sub { $_[0]; }
146 4 1 $self->token // (return 'missing access token')
159 2 0 $self->scope // ''
168 4 0 $self->token // die("missing access_token - login required\n")
249 0 1 $self->scope // ''
285 3 1 $self->session->get('core') // ''
311 0 1 $2 // 'item'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
33 19 1 27 $self->app->global_options->{$name} // $self->config->get($name)
39 12 4 12 $self->explicit_option($name) // $self->session->get($name)
184 2 0 0 $$response{'content'} // 'HTTP request failed: ' . $$response{'status'}
275 4 0 0 $self->core // $self->usage_error('missing PAIA core server URL')
279 4 0 0 $self->patron // $self->usage_error('missing patron identifier')