Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 43 165 26.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
366 3 4 2 $#args > -1 && ref $args[0] eq 'HASH'
436 0 6 0 not defined $$option_def{'secure'} and $var =~ /(pass|password|passwd)$/
443 0 0 0 not defined $$option_defs{$var}{'secure'} and $var =~ /(pass|password|passwd)$/
479 9 0 0 $#ARGV >= 0 and $ARGV[0] =~ /^--?([^=-][^=]*)(=?)(.*)/
483 0 0 0 $$option_defs{$var} and $$option_defs{$var}{'secure'}
0 0 0 $$option_defs{$var} and $$option_defs{$var}{'secure'} and defined $$values{'security_policy_level'}
0 0 0 $$option_defs{$var} and $$option_defs{$var}{'secure'} and defined $$values{'security_policy_level'} and $$values{'security_policy_level'} >= 2
490 9 0 0 $#ARGV >= 0 and $ARGV[0] eq '--'
524 9 0 0 $^O =~ /MSWin32/ and $prog_dir =~ m[^/]
535 3 6 0 not $prefix and $ENV{'PREFIX'}
588 0 0 9 $ENV{'HOME'} and $app ne 'app'
612 9 0 0 $$values{'perl_restart'} and not $ENV{'MOD_PERL'}
9 0 0 $$values{'perl_restart'} and not $ENV{'MOD_PERL'} and not $ENV{'PERL_RESTART'}
639 0 2 4 $option_defs and defined $$option_defs{$var}{'env'}
651 0 2 6 $env_var and defined $ENV{$env_var}
682 10 0 0 $$option_defs{$var} and $$option_defs{$var}{'secure'}
10 0 0 $$option_defs{$var} and $$option_defs{$var}{'secure'} and defined $$values{'security_policy_level'}
0 0 0 $$option_defs{$var} and $$option_defs{$var}{'secure'} and defined $$values{'security_policy_level'} and $$values{'security_policy_level'} >= 2
728 0 0 0 defined $$option_defs{$var} and defined $$option_defs{$var}{'default'}
0 0 0 defined $$option_defs{$var} and defined $$option_defs{$var}{'default'} and $$option_defs{$var}{'secure'}
0 0 0 defined $$option_defs{$var} and defined $$option_defs{$var}{'default'} and $$option_defs{$var}{'secure'} and defined $$values{'security_policy_level'}
0 0 0 defined $$option_defs{$var} and defined $$option_defs{$var}{'default'} and $$option_defs{$var}{'secure'} and defined $$values{'security_policy_level'} and $$values{'security_policy_level'} >= 2
956 8 0 0 $path_info and $path_info =~ m[^/([^/]+)]
958 0 0 0 $home_dir and -f "$home_dir/.app/$path_info_app.conf"
1024 0 0 0 not defined $secure and $var =~ /(pass|password|passwd)$/
1025 0 0 0 defined $secure and defined $$values{'security_policy_level'}
1088 0 0 0 $$values{'version_packages'} and $show_version ne 'all'
1153 36 126 0 $var eq 'app' and $value eq '' || $value eq 'ALL'
1204 243 0 0 $var eq 'perl_restart' and $value
243 0 0 $var eq 'perl_restart' and $value and $value ne '1'
1263 0 193 0 $option_defs and defined $$option_defs{$var}
193 0 0 $option_defs and defined $$option_defs{$var} and defined $$option_defs{$var}{'env'}
1275 0 193 0 $env_var and defined $ENV{$env_var}
1291 193 0 0 $$option_defs{$var} and $$option_defs{$var}{'secure'}
193 0 0 $$option_defs{$var} and $$option_defs{$var}{'secure'} and defined $$values{'security_policy_level'}
0 0 0 $$option_defs{$var} and $$option_defs{$var}{'secure'} and defined $$values{'security_policy_level'} and $$values{'security_policy_level'} >= 2
0 0 0 $$option_defs{$var} and $$option_defs{$var}{'secure'} and defined $$values{'security_policy_level'} and $$values{'security_policy_level'} >= 2 and not &file_is_secure($option_file)
1341 0 0 0 $dir and $secure
1345 0 0 0 $uid >= 100 and $uid != $>

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
405 2 7 $$init_args{'option'} || {}
472 0 9 $$values{'debug_options'} || 0
505 0 9 $$values{'debug_options'} || 0
606 0 9 $$values{'debug_options'} || 0
692 0 9 $$values{'debug_options'} || 0
954 0 8 $path_info ||= ''
1015 0 0 $$init_args{'option'} || {}
1021 0 0 $$option_defs{$var}{'type'} || ''
1022 0 0 $$option_defs{$var}{'description'} || ''
1026 0 0 $$option_defs{$var}{'value_description'} || ''
1060 0 0 $main::VERSION || 'undef'
1117 0 9 $$values{'debug_options'} || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
387 0 9 0 ref $this || $this
890 0 0 0 $value =~ /^-?[0-9_]+\.?[0-9_]*([eE][+-]?[0-9_]+)?$/ or $value =~ /^-?\.[0-9_]+([eE][+-]?[0-9_]+)?$/
932 6 0 0 not $$option_defs{$var}{'required'} or defined $$values{$var}
1002 0 0 0 defined $show_all or defined $$init_args{'option'}
0 0 0 defined $show_all or defined $$init_args{'option'} or defined $$init_args{'options'}
1019 0 0 0 $var eq '?' or $var eq 'help'
1153 0 27 99 $value eq '' || $value eq 'ALL'
1215 18 9 207 $value =~ /^<\s*(.+)/ or $value =~ /^(.+)\s*\|$/