Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 26 57.6

line true false branch
45 0 12 if $opt->help
72 1 11 unless my(%props) = _parse_time($time)
81 3 8 if ($props{'unit'}) { }
92 1 7 unless $hour < 25 and $minute < 60
95 1 6 if $hour > 12 and $suffix eq 'a'
98 4 1 if ($hour < 13) { }
101 3 0 if $then->hour >= 12
102 0 0 if $then->hour < 12
106 1 0 if $then < $now
110 0 8 if $seconds < 0
127 0 8 if length($text) - length($synopsis) > 4
148 0 0 unless (fork)
155 0 0 if ($verbosity == 3) { }