Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 34 36 94.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
182 9 1 13 $old[-1] eq '' and $new[-1] eq ''
367 1 16 104 @data and ref $data[0]
395 5 22 62 @{$path;} and my(@delta) = &path_delta($self->{'hdr_path'}, $path)
398 6 97 7 not $self->{'OPTS'}{'full-headers'} and $s < @{$path;} - @delta
401 67 19 17 $status eq 'A' || $status eq 'R' and $s == $#{$path;}
420 60 1 3 $self->{'TTY'} and not $self->{'OPTS'}{'quiet'}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
173 5 0 42 ref ${$dref;}->{'O'} or ref ${$dref;}->{'N'}
178 22 1 19 @old > 1 or @new > 1
209 15 15 18 @rest or not $header
351 3 1 54 not keys %{$diff;} or exists $diff->{'U'}
401 27 9 67 $status eq 'A' || $status eq 'R'
440 12 0 56 ref $value or not defined $value