Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 33 46 71.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
137 0 0 0 $meta->{'args'} and ref $meta->{'args'} eq 'HASH'
379 606 7 482 defined $args->[0] and $args->[0] eq 'upper'
816 2311 8177 425 length $data and substr($data, -1) eq "\000"
956 288 66 13 defined $self->{'start'} and not length $data

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
99 15528 0 $blocksize ||= 512
174 16814 4 $instance ||= bless($self, $class)
277 3642 1540 $1 // ''
613 1446 970 $args->[0] // 'default'
840 10829 0 $self->{'rmap'}{$val} // die("val '${_}'")

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
172 0 16818 0 ref $class || $class
216 11778 0 0 $opts{'enchunksize'} || $opts{'chunksize'}
217 11778 0 0 $opts{'dechunksize'} || $opts{'chunksize'}
442 6672 0 0 @args || !eval { do { require MIME::Base32; 'MIME::Base32'->VERSION(1) } }
771 14 798 2728 $flags{'sp'} || $flags{'space'} || $flags{'white'}
28 798 2742 $flags{'tab'} || $flags{'white'}
14 798 2756 $flags{'nl'} || $flags{'white'}
899 764 59 26 $x or $flag