Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 107 136 78.6

line true false branch
35 4 0 if exists $warnings::Offsets{'experimental::smartmatch'}
59 0 0 unless &Getopt::Long::GetOptionsFromArray(\@args, 'chain|c=s', \$chain, 'verbose|v', \$verbose, 'reverse|r!', \$reverse, 'help', \$help)
70 0 0 if $help
71 0 0 unless $chain
91 0 0 unless @handles
113 0 0 $ret ? :
137 0 0 if ($meta->{'args'} and ref $meta->{'args'} eq 'HASH')
139 0 0 if ($verbose) { }
187 0 24274 unless $info
199 18 18 /\A([A-Za-z0-9]+)\.pm\z/ ? :
201 9 21 opendir($dh, $_) ? :
246 23384 23796 if ($rem) { }
276 5182 13999 if ($data =~ /$self->{'regexp'}/) { }
304 942 1821 grep({$_ eq 'mime';} @$args) ? :
305 942 1821 $nl ? :
311 84 2679 if (grep {$_ eq 'yui';} @$args) { }
379 482 613 if defined $args->[0] and $args->[0] eq 'upper'
398 1151 5325 if $self->{'upper'}
448 8174 0 unless ($self->{'manual'})
457 5825 4687 unless length $data
458 0 4687 if $self->{'eref'}
463 3049 1638 $rem ? :
480 3049 1638 $lm ? :
486 9369 4678 unless length $data
487 0 4678 if $self->{'dref'}
489 3049 1629 $data =~ /(=+)$/ ? :
504 357 4678 @data ? :
548 758 1296 $lower ? :
568 0 4666 if $self->{'form'}
614 0 2416 unless exists $maps->{$type}
637 0 569 if $char =~ /^#([0-9]+)$/
638 260 309 if $char =~ /^#x([a-fA-F0-9]+)$/
639 309 0 if exists $self->{'rmap'}{$char}
667 28 778 if grep {$_ eq 'smtp';} @$args
675 1655 484 if (length $data < 7)
679 34 450 if ($data =~ /\A(.*)(\n.{0,6})\z/)
696 31 961 if $self->{'smtp'}
697 31 961 if $self->{'smtp'}
702 0 12 if $chunk =~ /^(.*)(=.?)$/
705 12 0 if ($data)
767 734 2028 $flags{'octal'} ? :
806 2762 $flags{'cstyle'} ? :
771 840 2728 $flags{'sp'} || $flags{'space'} || $flags{'white'} ? :
826 2742 $flags{'tab'} || $flags{'white'} ? :
812 2756 $flags{'nl'} || $flags{'white'} ? :
773 6 3562 $flags{'glob'} ? :
816 425 10488 if (length $data and substr($data, -1) eq "\000") { }
829 3171 9535 if ($self->{'flags'}{'cstyle'})
839 9769 16080 unless length $val
840 10829 5251 if $val =~ /^\\/
885 1 1149 unless length $data
886 354 795 defined $self->{'start'} ? :
894 13 354 defined $self->{'start'} ? :
899 26 59 unless $x or $flag
911 260 1256 $rem ? :
914 260 1256 $pad ? :
918 260 1256 if $pad
925 355 995 unless length $data
927 489 506 if (defined $self->{'start'})
929 201 288 unless length $self->{'start'} > 2
931 0 288 unless ($data = $self->{'start'}) =~ s/^<~//
939 26 823 if $s eq 'z'
940 0 823 if $s gt 's8W-!'
956 13 354 if defined $self->{'start'} and not length $data
959 0 354 unless $data =~ s/~>$//
961 260 94 $rem ? :
963 260 94 if $pad
1007 0 40 unless $code