Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 158 260 60.7

line true false branch
67 0 2 unless $main::config
72 0 2 unless $cfg->{'notes'}
74 0 2 unless $system
77 0 2 if ($system eq "nashville")
80 0 2 if ($system eq "roman")
133 138 210 if $parsers{$system}
135 2 208 if ($system eq 'nashville') { }
2 206 elsif ($system eq 'roman') { }
0 206 elsif ($system ne $main::config->{'notes'}{'system'}) { }
206 0 elsif ($system) { }
0 0 elsif ($nofallback) { }
171 208 0 unless @which
203 0 0 $cfg->{'settings'}{'chordnames'} eq 'relaxed' ? :
0 208 if $main::options->{'verbose'} > 1
214 164 63627 if ($chord =~ m[^(.*)/(.*)]u)
222 0 63791 if ($chord eq '' and $bass ne '') { }
39849 23942 elsif ($chord =~ /^$self->{'c_pat'}$/u) { }
22 23920 elsif ($self->{'c_rpat'} and $main::config->{'settings'}{'chordnames'} eq 'relaxed' and $chord =~ /^$self->{'c_rpat'}$/u) { }
6 23914 elsif ($main::config->{'settings'}{'notenames'} and ucfirst($chord) =~ /^$self->{'n_pat'}$/u) { }
234 0 22 unless $info->{'root'} = $plus{'root'}
251 9866 30011 if $q eq "m" or $q eq "min"
252 2023 37854 if $q eq "aug"
253 4097 35780 if $q eq "dim"
254 41 39836 if $q eq "o"
258 19753 20124 unless ($info->{'qual'})
259 48 19705 if ($x eq "maj")
264 2075 37802 if $x eq "sus"
270 6 40020 if $info->{'isnote'}
271 29209 10817 if (defined $self->{'ns_tbl'}{$r}) { }
10817 0 elsif (defined $self->{'nf_tbl'}{$r}) { }
273 18816 10393 defined $self->{'nf_tbl'}{$r} ? :
288 39877 0 unless $info->is_rootless
290 0 39877 unless ref($info) =~ /ChordPro::Chord::/u
293 154 39723 if ($info->{'bass'} = $bass)
294 149 5 if ($bass =~ /^$self->{'n_pat'}$/u)
296 0 149 if ($info->is_rootless)
304 0 39877 if ($main::config->{'settings'}{'chords-canonical'})
308 0 0 if $info->{'name_canon'} ne $t and $main::config->{'debug'}{'chords'}
449 0 208 unless $n->{'system'}
454 1025 1471 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($root, 'ARRAY')) { }
466 1034 1462 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($root, 'ARRAY')) { }
484 1248 3682 if $ns_tbl{$_}
524 644 238 $sharp ? :
547 0 2 if $main::options->{'verbose'} and $main::options->{'verbose'} > 1
557 0 408 unless UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], "ChordPro::Chords::Parser::Nashville")
563 0 408 if ($chord =~ m[^(.*)/(.*)]u)
568 0 408 unless $chord =~ /^$n_pat(?-|\+|0|o|aug|m(?!aj)|dim)?(?.*)$/u
579 0 408 if $q eq "m"
580 0 408 if $q eq "aug"
581 0 408 if $q eq "dim"
582 0 408 if $q eq "o"
587 0 408 if $x eq "sus"
594 120 288 if ($+{'shift'} eq '#') { }
120 168 elsif ($+{'shift'} eq 'b') { }
598 0 120 if $$info{"${pfx}_ord"} >= 12
604 0 120 if $$info{"${pfx}_ord"} < 0
615 408 0 unless $bass
616 0 0 unless $bass =~ /^$n_pat$/u
625 0 12 unless UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], "ChordPro::Chords::Parser::Nashville")
628 12 0 $sharp ? :
635 0 0 unless UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], "ChordPro::Chords::Parser::Nashville")
641 0 2 unless UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], "ChordPro::Chords::Parser::Nashville")
659 0 2 if $main::options->{'verbose'} and $main::options->{'verbose'} > 1
668 0 612 unless UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], "ChordPro::Chords::Parser::Roman")
674 0 612 if ($chord =~ m[^(.*)/(.*)]u)
679 0 612 unless $chord =~ /^$r_pat(?\+|0|o|aug|dim|h)?(?.*)$/u
690 306 306 if $r eq lc $r
691 0 612 if $q eq "aug"
692 0 612 if $q eq "dim"
693 0 612 if $q eq "o"
698 0 612 if $x eq "sus"
699 0 612 if $x eq "7+"
706 180 432 if ($+{'shift'} eq '#') { }
180 252 elsif ($+{'shift'} eq 'b') { }
710 0 180 if $$info{"${pfx}_ord"} >= 12
716 180 0 if $$info{"${pfx}_ord"} < 0
727 612 0 unless $bass
728 0 0 unless $bass =~ /^$r_pat$/u
737 0 12 unless UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], "ChordPro::Chords::Parser::Roman")
739 0 12 if $minor
741 12 0 $sharp ? :
748 0 0 unless UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], "ChordPro::Chords::Parser::Roman")
754 0 2 unless UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], "ChordPro::Chords::Parser::Roman")
771 0 376 unless UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], "ChordPro::Chord::Base")
783 0 942 if $self->is_keyboard and not @{$self->kbkeys // [1];}
785 162 780 unless @{$self->frets // [];}
787 766 855 unless $_ < 0
794 8 1331 unless defined $_[0]{'root'} or defined $_[0]{'bass'}
801 0 814 $main::config->{'instrument'}{'type'} eq 'keyboard' ? :
814 0 6285 if $self->{'parens'} and $self->{'name'} =~ /^\(.*\)$/u
815 6285 0 if $np or not $self->{'parens'}
837 1 0 if $_[0]{'keys'} and @{$_[0]{'keys'};}
843 10 14216 if ($k eq 'orig') { }
857 0 22 unless $main::config->{'settings'}{'truesf'}
861 15 7 if @c % 2
865 15 22 if ($did) { }
881 0 0 unless defined $self->{$_}
882 0 0 if defined $c->{$_}
883 0 0 if (UNIVERSAL::can($self->{$_}, 'simplify')) { }
0 0 elsif (ref $self->{$_} eq 'ARRAY' and @{$self->{$_};}) { }
924 515 0 $self->is_chord ? :
0 515 $self->is_rootless ? :
926 4 511 if ($self->is_note)
929 3 508 if ($self->{'bass'} and $self->{'bass'} ne "")
931 0 3 $self->{'system'} eq 'roman' ? :
938 6 38548 if $self->is_rootless or $self->is_note
948 12 370 unless $xpose
949 2 368 unless $self->is_chord
955 368 0 unless ($self->{'rootless'})
962 3 0 if ($self->{'bass'} and $self->{'bass'} ne "" and not $self->{'bass'} =~ /^\d+$/u)
977 123 20 unless $xcode
978 0 20 unless $self->is_chord
979 0 20 if $self->{'system'} eq $xcode
984 0 20 unless $p->{'system'} eq $xcode
986 4 16 if $key_ord and $p->movable
992 0 20 if ($p->{'system'} eq "roman" and $info->{'qual_canon'} eq "-")
996 0 20 if ($self->{'bass'} and $self->{'bass'} ne "")
997 0 0 if $key_ord and $p->movable
1020 1390 713 unless $fmt
1021 6 707 if $self->is_note
1027 22 679 $main::config->{'settings'}{'truesf'} ? :
1046 0 0 if ($self->{'bass'} and $self->{'bass'} ne "")
1053 0 4 if ($self->{'format'})
1056 0 0 if ($fmt)
1065 0 4 if ($self->{'bass'} and $self->{'bass'} ne "")
1087 0 0 if ($self->{'bass'} and $self->{'bass'} ne "")
1094 0 4 if ($self->{'format'})
1097 0 0 if ($fmt)
1107 0 4 if $self->{'qual'}
1108 0 4 if ($self->{'bass'} and $self->{'bass'} ne "")