Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 78 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
72 0 0 0 ref $args{'module_prefixes'} and ref $args{'module_prefixes'} eq 'ARRAY'
132 0 0 0 $@ and $@ ne "all good\n"
201 0 0 0 $$self{'debug'} > 1 and ref $$control{'control'} ne 'ARRAY'
260 0 0 0 $task_status and $$task_status{'is_running'}
265 0 0 0 $task_status and $$task_status{'is_my_pid'}
270 0 0 0 $is_loaded and $task_is_stateful
279 0 0 0 not $is_loaded and $is_running
0 0 0 not $is_loaded and $is_running and not $is_my_pid
0 0 0 not $is_loaded and $is_running and not $is_my_pid and $args{'exit_externals'}
331 0 0 0 $$module_info{'config'} and $$module_info{'config'}{'is_external'}
360 0 0 0 $$self{'tasks'}{$qname} and $$self{'tasks'}{$qname}{'config_is_set'}
0 0 0 $$self{'tasks'}{$qname} and not $$self{'tasks'}{$qname}{'config_is_set'}
369 0 0 0 $$message{'.multimodule'} and $$message{'.multimodule'}{'transform'}
456 0 0 0 $task_status and $$task_status{'is_running'}
0 0 0 $task_status and $$task_status{'is_running'} and not $$task_status{'is_my_pid'}
489 0 0 0 $wants_external and not $task_is_stateful
497 0 0 0 $wants_external and $$self{'module'} eq 'main'
549 0 0 0 $err and $$self{'debug'} > 4
629 0 0 0 $$self{'all_modules_info'} and $$self{'all_modules_info'}{$task_name}
0 0 0 $$self{'all_modules_info'} and $$self{'all_modules_info'}{$task_name} and $$self{'all_modules_info'}{$task_name}{'config'}
0 0 0 $$self{'all_modules_info'} and $$self{'all_modules_info'}{$task_name} and $$self{'all_modules_info'}{$task_name}{'config'} and $$self{'all_modules_info'}{$task_name}{'config'}{'intervals'}
0 0 0 $$self{'all_modules_info'} and $$self{'all_modules_info'}{$task_name} and $$self{'all_modules_info'}{$task_name}{'config'} and $$self{'all_modules_info'}{$task_name}{'config'}{'intervals'} and $$self{'all_modules_info'}{$task_name}{'config'}{'intervals'}{'save_state'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
255 0 0 $$task_info{'config'} || {}
286 0 0 $$self{'api'}->send_signal($task_name, 9) || 'undef'
469 0 0 $$module_info{'config'} || {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
67 0 0 0 not $args{'state_dir'} or ref $args{'state_dir'}
109 0 0 0 ref $args{'config_file'} or not -r $args{'config_file'}