Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 75 184 40.7

line true false branch
49 1 64 unless $self->{'protocol'} =~ /^https?$/
57 64 0 if $self->{'service'} eq 'glacier'
58 2 62 if defined $self->{'token'}
73 0 1 unless defined $relfilename
74 0 1 unless defined $mtime
75 0 1 unless $partsize
83 1 0 unless defined($self->{'description'} = App::MtAws::MetaData::meta_encode($relfilename, $mtime))
92 0 0 $resp ? :
99 0 0 unless $uploadid
100 0 0 unless $self->{'dataref'} = $dataref
101 0 0 unless defined $offset
102 0 0 unless $self->{'part_final_hash'} = $part_final_hash
116 0 0 $resp ? :
124 0 0 unless $uploadid
125 0 0 unless $size
126 0 0 unless $treehash
134 0 0 $resp ? :
142 0 0 unless $archive_id
148 0 0 $resp ? :
156 0 0 unless $archive_id
175 0 0 $resp ? :
182 0 0 unless $format
184 0 0 if ($format eq 'json') { }
0 0 elsif ($format eq 'csv') { }
211 0 0 $resp ? :
221 0 0 if defined $marker
235 0 1 unless $journal_treehash
236 0 1 unless $jobid
237 0 1 unless defined $tempfile
238 0 1 unless defined $relfilename
239 0 1 unless $size
249 0 1 unless my $reported_th = $resp->header('x-amz-sha256-tree-hash')
254 0 1 unless $reported_th eq $th
260 0 1 unless $reported_th eq $journal_treehash
266 1 0 $resp ? :
273 0 0 unless $jobid
274 0 0 unless defined $position
275 0 0 unless $size
276 0 0 unless defined $filename
288 0 0 unless $resp and $resp->code == 206
290 0 0 unless my $reported_th = $resp->header('x-amz-sha256-tree-hash')
294 0 0 unless $reported_th eq $th
303 0 0 unless defined $start and defined $end and $len
304 0 0 unless $end >= $start
305 0 0 unless $position == $start
306 0 0 unless $end_position == $end
308 0 0 $resp ? :
315 0 0 unless $jobid
322 0 0 unless $resp
326 0 0 if ($ct eq 'text/csv') { }
0 0 elsif ($ct eq 'application/json') { }
341 0 0 unless defined $vault_name
347 0 0 $resp ? :
354 0 0 unless defined $vault_name
360 0 0 $resp ? :
369 0 0 if (length ${$self->{'dataref'};} <= 1048576) { }
404 12 53 $self->{'dataref'} ? :
0 65 $self->{'data_sha256'} ? :
406 0 65 $self->{'params'} ? :
436 16 95 if ($i <= 5) { }
5 90 elsif ($i <= 10) { }
10 80 elsif ($i <= 20) { }
30 50 elsif ($i <= 50) { }
458 0 65 if $self->{'protocol'} eq 'https'
462 20 42 if $ENV{'MTGLACIER_FAKE_HOST'}
463 0 62 if ($self->{'protocol'} eq 'https')
464 0 0 if ($ENV{'MTGLACIER_FAKE_HOST'}) { }
470 0 62 if $self->{'params_s'}
471 3 59 if ($self->{'method'} eq 'PUT') { }
3 56 elsif ($self->{'method'} eq 'POST') { }
3 53 elsif ($self->{'method'} eq 'DELETE') { }
53 0 elsif ($self->{'method'} eq 'GET') { }
474 3 0 if ($self->{'dataref'}) { }
492 0 62 if ($self->{'content_file'} and $self->{'writer'}) { }
0 62 elsif ($self->{'content_file'}) { }
11 51 elsif ($self->{'writer'}) { }
499 6 2928 unless (defined $size)
500 6 0 if ($_[1] and $_[1]->isa('HTTP::Response')) { }
502 2 4 if (not $size or $self->{'expected_size'} and $size != $self->{'expected_size'})
521 3 59 if ($resp->code eq '500' and $resp->header('Client-Warning') and $resp->header('Client-Warning') eq 'Internal response') { }
6 53 elsif ($resp->code =~ /^(500|408)$/) { }
2 51 elsif (defined $resp->header('X-Died') and get_exception($resp->header('X-Died'))) { }
3 48 elsif (defined $resp->header('X-Died') and length $resp->header('X-Died')) { }
24 24 elsif ($resp->code =~ /^2\d\d$/) { }
536 4 20 if ($self->{'writer'}) { }
4 16 elsif (defined $resp->content_length and $resp->content_length != length $resp->content) { }
538 2 2 if ($c eq 'retry') { }
0 2 elsif ($c ne 'ok') { }
555 7 17 if ($resp->code =~ /^40[03]$/)
556 5 2 if ($resp->content_type and $resp->content_type eq 'application/json')
559 5 0 if (defined $scalar)
563 5 0 if ($code eq 'ThrottlingException')