Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 78 136 57.3

line true false branch
82 0 1 unless $fn =~ m[/$]
83 0 1 unless opendir my $DIR, $fn
86 0 6 if -l $f
90 0 4 if ($f eq '..' or $f eq '.' or $f eq '.svn' or $f eq '.git' or $f =~ /(?:~|\.swp)$/)
99 0 4 if (-d $f) { }
141 6 2 if ($token)
158 112 65 if $_[0]
197 0 0 unless $config{'quiet'}
247 5 15 if ($meta->{'ITEMS'}[0] and $meta->{'ITEMS'}[0] eq $key) { }
273 1 0 if ($options{'file'})
285 4 3 if (not defined $datasource or lc $in ne 'in')
293 1 2 unless ($ds and &blessed($ds))
314 1 2 if ($contents =~ /\s/)
326 1 1 if (defined $c) { }
344 1 8 if ($tokens->[0][0] eq 'TAG_START' and $tokens->[1][0] eq 'KEYWORD' and $tokens->[1][1] eq 'endverbatim' and $tokens->[2][1] =~ /\s*\Q$key\E\s*/ and $tokens->[3][0] eq 'TAG_END') { }
371 8 7 if ($name =~ /\./)
375 1 16 if (not defined $var && ref $var or &reftype($var) ne 'HASH')
376 0 1 unless ($meta->{'NO_VAR_WARN'})
385 5 2 if (exists $meta->{'VARS'}{$name}) { }
388 0 0 unless ($meta->{'NO_VAR_WARN'} or $config{'quiet'})
397 0 3 unless defined $str
418 12 2 unless defined $str
436 0 0 if (pos($str) + 1 < length $str)
450 12 80 if ($_ eq 'VARS') { }
453 0 7 if (&blessed($vs{$v})) { }
456 0 7 ref $vs{$v} ? :
460 64 16 ref $meta->{$_} ? :
472 5 15 if ($meta->{'CURRENT_ITEM'}) { }
509 1 12 if (defined $options{'escape'} and lc $options{'escape'} eq 'html')
512 10 2 if defined $c
523 0 0 if (scalar @t != 2)
553 0 2 if ($lang eq 'escape')
560 2 0 if ($@) { }
562 1 1 unless $config{'quiet'}
566 0 0 unless $config{'quiet'}
584 2 299 unless @$tokens
585 0 299 unless ref $tokens eq 'ARRAY'
586 298 1 if ($tokens->[0][0] eq $expect)
588 298 0 if (not defined $e_val or $e_val eq $tokens->[0][1]) { }
616 40 59 if ($meta->{'INSIDE_ITEM'}) { }
628 76 20 if ($tokens->[0][0] eq 'TAG_START') { }
20 0 elsif ($tokens->[0][0] eq 'BRACES_START') { }
644 8 67 if ($meta->{'PARSE_UPTO'} and $meta->{'PARSE_UPTO'} eq $key)
670 67 0 if ($func) { }
681 25 53 if ($meta->{'INSIDE_ITEM'}) { }
695 0 20 unless open my $fh, "<:encoding($config{'encoding'})", $fn
721 4 0 if (-e $global_include_fn)
746 4 0 if ($fn =~ /$re/)
754 4 0 if ($process) { }
756 0 0 if ($config{'make_behaviour'} and -e $new_fn and (stat $fn)[9] < (stat $new_fn)[9])
759 4 0 unless $config{'quiet'}
769 3 1 unless (exists $metadata->{'OPTIONS'}{'no-header'})
775 3 1 unless (exists $metadata->{'OPTIONS'}{'no-footer'})
785 4 0 if (compare($new_fn, $tmp_name) == 0) { }
786 4 0 unless $config{'quiet'}
789 0 0 unless $config{'quiet'}
792 0 0 if (compare($fn, $new_fn) == 0) { }
809 0 0 if ($new_fn =~ /$_/)
815 4 0 if ($found == 0)
825 0 0 if (-e $cfg_file) { }
844 0 0 defined $$h{uc $feat}{$_} ? :
850 0 0 unless keys %inc
851 0 0 unless $h->{'EXCLUDE'}
871 0 17 unless $source_fn
877 0 0 if ($source_fn =~ /$_/)
885 0 17 if (defined $re)
886 0 0 if defined $config{'per_fn'}{$re}{$type}
887 0 0 if defined $config{'per_fn'}{$re}{'postfix'}