Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 20 78 25.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
377 0 0 1 $dbh and $dsn =~ /SQLite/i
379 0 0 1 $file and -e $file
0 1 0 $file and -e $file and not -z $file
473 0 0 0 defined $rec{'message'} and length $rec{'message'}
476 0 0 0 defined $rec{'attributes'} and length $rec{'attributes'}
583 0 0 1 defined $rec{'message'} and length $rec{'message'}
586 0 0 1 defined $rec{'attributes'} and length $rec{'attributes'}
695 0 0 1 $t >= 0 and $t < 5
0 0 0 $t >= 5 and $t < 7
0 0 0 $t >= 7 and $t < 10
0 0 0 $t >= 10 and $t < 33
0 0 0 $t >= 33 and $t < 39
0 0 0 $t >= 39 and $t < 42

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
355 0 0 getlogin || (getpwuid $>)[0] || $ENV{'LOGNAME'} || $ENV{'USER'} || 'anonymous'
392 0 0 $DBI::errstr || 'unknown error'
398 0 0 $dbh->errstr || 'unknown error'
409 1 0 $args{'expires'} || 2592000
0 1 $args{'maxtime'} || 300
449 0 1 shift() || 0
463 0 0 shift() || 0
488 0 0 shift() || 0
546 1 0 $id || 0
560 0 1 $status || 'FAIL'
568 0 1 $rec{'attempt'} || 0
576 1 0 $rec{'id'} || 0
609 1 0 $id || 0
633 1 0 $id || 0
664 1 0 $self->{'maxtime'} || 300

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
352 0 1 7 $args{$_} //= $dda->{$_}
357 1 0 0 $args{'file'} || 'File::Spec'->catfile('File::Spec'->tmpdir, $filename)
358 0 1 0 $args{'dsn'} || sprintf('dbi:SQLite:dbname=%s', $file)