Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 41 102 40.2

line true false branch
349 1 0 unless ($args{'dsn'})
370 0 1 $args{'timeout'} ? :
372 1 0 if $db
377 1 0 if ($dbh and $dsn =~ /SQLite/i)
379 1 0 unless ($file and -e $file and not -z $file)
389 0 1 if (not $db) { }
0 1 elsif (not $dbh) { }
1 0 elsif ($fnew) { }
395 0 1 if $dbh->err
397 1 0 unless ($error)
398 0 1 unless $dbh->ping
418 3 7 unless defined $err
424 0 7 unless $self->{'dsn'}
426 0 7 unless $dbi
428 0 7 unless $dbh
429 0 7 unless $dbh->can("ping")
442 0 0 $self->{'issqlite'} ? :
450 0 1 unless $self->ping
454 0 1 $limit ? :
455 0 1 if ($dbi->connect->err)
468 0 0 if ($dbi->connect->err)
473 0 0 if (defined $rec{'message'} and length $rec{'message'})
476 0 0 if (defined $rec{'attributes'} and length $rec{'attributes'})
478 0 0 unless ($self->serializer->status)
493 0 0 if ($dbi->connect->err)
512 0 1 unless $self->ping
519 0 1 unless ($self->serializer->status)
536 0 1 if ($dbi->connect->err)
543 1 0 $self->{'issqlite'} ? :
554 0 1 unless $self->ping
561 0 1 if ($dbi->connect->err)
565 0 1 unless %rec
578 0 1 if ($dbi->connect->err)
583 1 0 if (defined $rec{'message'} and length $rec{'message'})
586 1 0 if (defined $rec{'attributes'} and length $rec{'attributes'})
588 0 1 unless ($self->serializer->status)
604 0 1 unless $self->ping
615 0 1 if ($dbi->connect->err)
628 0 1 unless $self->ping
642 0 1 if ($dbi->connect->err)
651 0 1 unless $self->ping
658 0 1 if ($dbi->connect->err)
672 0 1 if ($dbi->connect->err)
681 0 1 unless $self->ping
686 0 1 if ($dbi->connect->err)
695 1 0 if ($t >= 0 and $t < 5) { }
0 0 elsif ($t >= 5 and $t < 7) { }
0 0 elsif ($t >= 7 and $t < 10) { }
0 0 elsif ($t >= 10 and $t < 33) { }
0 0 elsif ($t >= 33 and $t < 39) { }
0 0 elsif ($t >= 39 and $t < 42) { }