Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 49 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
400 0 0 0 $NOTIFIER_LOADED && lvalue($self->config('usemonotifier'))
1050 0 0 0 defined $exe_out and length $exe_out
0 0 0 defined $exe_out and length $exe_out and $self->verbosemode

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
390 0 0 $self->config('store') || $self->config('dbi') || {'file', $db_file}
1021 0 0 $args{'name'} || 'virtual'
1022 0 0 $args{'message'} // ""
1023 0 0 $args{'source'} // ""
1027 0 0 $args{'trigger'} || []
1040 0 0 $args{'type'} // "http"
0 0 $args{'code'} // ""
0 0 $args{'note'} // ""
1074 0 0 $args{'name'} || 'virtual'
1075 0 0 $args{'sendto'} || []
1092 0 0 $args{'type'} || 'http'
0 0 $args{'source'} || 'UNKNOWN'
0 0 $args{'code'} // "UNKNOWN"
0 0 $args{'note'} // "No comments"
0 0 $args{'message'} // ""
1141 0 0 $this->channel->error || 'unknown error'
1176 0 0 shift() || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
393 0 0 0 $store_args{'file'} or $store_args{'dsn'}
1175 0 0 0 shift() || time