Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 31 96 32.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
280 0 0 0 ref $sects eq "HASH" and not exists $sects->{'enable'}
282 0 0 0 ref $r eq "HASH" and exists $r->{'enable'}
312 0 0 0 $n and ref($n) =~ /ARRAY|HASH/
344 0 0 0 $hr and $hl
420 0 0 0 $ret{'code'} and not length $ret{'stderr'}
514 4 0 0 $added->{$chname} and $added->{$chname} eq $at
545 13 0 4 $sec and is_array($sec)
548 1 1 2 $t >= $s and $t <= $f
1 1 0 $t >= $f and $t <= $s
583 0 0 4 exists $dw_map{$sd} and exists $dw_map{$fd}
589 14 9 4 not $start_flag and $dw_map{$sd} == $wdi

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
242 11 0 shift() // 0
256 11 0 $mult{$2} || 1
261 5 0 shift() // 0
353 0 0 shift() // ""
359 0 0 shift() || 0
388 0 0 shift() || 0
406 0 0 $r->{'child_pgid'} || 0
0 0 $r->{'exit_code'} || 0
0 0 $r->{'stderr'} // ""
0 0 $r->{'stdout'} // ""
508 4 0 shift() || 'Sun-Sat'
528 4 0 shift() || 'default'
546 3 1 $sec->[0] || 0
4 0 $sec->[1] || 0
560 6 2 $2 || '[00:00-23:59]'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
251 0 0 11 not $time or lc $time eq "now"
284 0 0 0 not @names or grep {$r->{'name'} eq lc $_;} @names
291 0 0 0 not @names or grep {$v->{'name'} eq lc $_;} @names
301 0 0 0 not @names or grep {$v->{'name'} eq lc $_;} @names
306 0 0 0 not @names or grep {$sects->{'name'} eq lc $_;} @names
406 0 0 0 $r->{'cmd'} // $cmd
529 4 0 0 shift() || time
548 2 0 2 $t >= $s and $t <= $f or $t >= $f and $t <= $s
609 7 2 1 $s or $f
638 0 0 9 $start < 0 or $start > 86399
639 0 0 9 $finish < 0 or $finish > 86399